Code Of Conduct

Track Code Of Conduct:

This code of conduct relates to all affiliates of Track Brewing Co, whether that be staff, suppliers, people working with us or to any Track representatives at all times. Our values are and have always been one of acceptance and community. This means that we welcome diversity in all its forms. We want everyone to feel that we as people/a company and as a space, are welcoming and that our workplaces is one of understanding and commitment to inclusivity.

We are so happy to have a space (The Track Taproom) where we can welcome each and every one of you. This space and Track Brewery as a whole is a safe space. This means that abuse of any kind, physical, verbal or emotional will not be tolerated.

We have an absolute ZERO TOLERANCE for: sexism, racism, homophobia, violence, discrimination or any kind of harassment.

If you notice any of this kind of behaviour or any kind of failing of ours to commit to this code of conduct please email and this will be fully investigated and dealt with by ourselves or if it in relation to a member of our team, an external HR company to ensure that full transparency is adhered to.

If we feel someone whilst on our premises or on our time does not uphold the values stated above, they will be removed.